Free Accident Reports for Georgia and Atlanta

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Report #
Police Dept. Name
Accident State
Driver's License #
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What is an Accident Report?

An accident crash report, often referred to simply as a crash report or accident report, is an official document produced by police or other investigative authorities following a vehicle accident. This report contains a detailed account of the circumstances surrounding the accident, including the date, time, and location, as well as information about the vehicles, drivers, and passengers involved. It may also include witness statements, weather conditions, diagrams of the accident scene, and the officer's assessment of how and why the accident occurred.


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Accident reports are typically available within a few days to a couple of weeks after the accident, depending on the jurisdiction and the complexity of the investigation. However, it's advisable to request an accident report as soon as it becomes available. There's generally no strict deadline for requesting an accident report, but obtaining it sooner can be beneficial for insurance claims or legal matters. Some jurisdictions may have specific time frames within which reports are archived, so it's a good idea to request the report within a few months of the accident.

Yes, there is often a fee to obtain an accident report. The fee varies by jurisdiction and can range from a nominal amount to a higher fee based on the report's length or detail level. We will provide you with a free report if your case is eligible.

The time it takes to receive an accident report can vary widely depending on the jurisdiction and the specific circumstances of the accident. Generally, we will respond to your request within 24 hours.

Generally, accident reports can be requested by individuals directly involved in the accident, their legal representatives, or their insurance providers. In some cases, reports may be available to the general public, but personal information may be redacted to protect privacy.

If you believe the accident report is incorrect or incomplete, you can request a report be amended in person at the police station or by calling the reporting officer to give a statement. Contact us  if you need more help!

An accident report is a crucial document for insurance claims as it provides an official record of the accident. You should submit a copy of the report to your insurance company as part of your claim documentation. The report will help your insurer assess the circumstances of the accident, determine liability, and process your claim accordingly.

Accident reports contain sensitive personal information, and their confidentiality is protected by law in many jurisdictions. However, certain information from the report may be available to involved parties, their legal representatives, and insurance companies. The public may access a redacted version of the report, where personal information is removed to protect privacy.

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This website is associated with Schneider Injury Law. Please visit or call (404) 800-3060 if you need legal assistance.